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About The Gaslighter

We’re Leaning In

We’re people who hate to be lied to. But it has become so persistent, that all we can do is laugh. To that end, every story on this site is an obvious deception. It’s satire. Sometimes it’s funny. Sometimes it’s sad. It’s almost always stupid.

“Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?”

A phrase that is commonly attributed to Groucho Marx.

When you watch “certain” media outlets and politicians, you will often be told to not believe the observed, plain, obvious, objective facts. You will be given some nugget of truth, then a lie will be told (or the full truth will be hidden) to confuse you or to make you believe that the things you see and hear with your own eyes and ears is not what is actually real.

Everything You Know Is Wrong

Gaslighting, a form of psychological manipulation, is becoming increasingly common in today’s society. This phenomenon, which involves manipulating a person into questioning their own sanity, beliefs, and perceptions, can be observed in various contexts such as personal relationships, workplaces, politics, and online interactions. The rise of social media and AI technology has amplified this effect, as it provides a platform for gaslighters to distort reality and spread misinformation on a large scale with much less cost and effort.

The Gaslighter Process

Our factory is churning away around the clock to keep the Gaslight lit.

We scour every day’s political headlines to see what people are talking about, then we ask one of our staff bots to write a news story about something interesting. We then take the innocent and factual news story down to the factory floor, where another bot (with severe psychological scars) figures out how to twist the details to make them funnier or more interesting. Finally, our editor bot cleans up the grammatical mess and removes all the crass jokes. While this is happening, our art bot is busy creating a unique, authentic woodcut image to match the story. In the end, you’ve been gaslit with much more care and attention to detail than by any “news” outlet!

Get In Touch

Don’t send us spam. We won’t read it. If you have a sales or marketing request, we’d love to hear from you!

If you want to write to complain about a story you read on this website, just don’t. It’s a joke. When you’re watching those “news” programs lie to you, it’s no joke. Get mad at them, not us.

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